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Born and bred in a christian faith family is a blessing,however it can be a curse as well. Many of us who grew up in such a home know how it can be. As children we pretty much just follow what we see our parents/guardians do-Practicing all religious rituals-praying,fasting,attending church services etc without establishing our own personal relationship/understanding of God. We JUST go with our parents beliefs. In other words – IT IS ALL NOTHING BUT AN ACT.
Many of us walk around claiming we are Christians based on our upbringing. I for one was one of the ‘many’. I wasn’t a big fan of all night prayers, fasting and deliverance sessions but just because my mother did and attended all this I tagged along and pretty much got used to it that it became a part of me I couldn’t separate myself from .My belief in God was based on someone else’s beliefs which put a lot of pressure on my end to keep up the charade.
Ever wondered why PKs (Preachers Kids)go through a wild rampage .As a PK all eyes are on them to live by the book…live by their parents beliefs …they are expected to be the perfect kids with no mishaps whatsoever…people forget we all imperfect only God makes us perfect through Christ….The pressure to pretend to be something u know your heart isn’t into only leads to rebelliousness one way or another.
Parents force their children to go to church and practice all these religious acts without taking to heart that no matter how many times you try force someone to partake in something as long as their heart is not in it -they will never get to the place you want them to be…they will do all the activities you want them to do out of their love for you not because they want to but just to make you happy.
We need to get our own personal experience with God. Come to a decision where we want to get to know God more without being pressured…reach a point where we fully enter a place of intimacy with God. I mean God himself doesn’t force his hand /power on us to make us believe in him…He doesn’t place a plague upon your home, or natural disasters like what most believe in….It all comes down to one thing-FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Which is pretty much the essence of life.
If there is one thing I have realized is that most of the kids who grow up in such homes…the moment they get out the nest – They enter a new world they never thought existed or better yet they knew about it but never thought they would live in it…now that they enter into this new world …they start rediscovering themselves again.They already know who they are of course -Their true identity which is in Christ…but they also discover other parts of themselves that was suppressed when they were a victim of the rules they lived by….They start going through what i like to call – THE AWAKENING!.which I will further talk more about in my next blog post.

…..until next time


  1. “We need to get our own personal experience with God. Come to a decision where we want to get to know God more without being pressured…reach a point where we fully enter a place of intimacy with God. I mean God himself doesn’t force his hand /power on us to make us believe in him…He doesn’t place a plague upon your home, or natural disasters like what most believe in….It all comes down to one thing-FREEDOM OF CHOICE!”
    -Love this part hun! Some great statements here! Awesome!


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